Employee Benefits
With the aim of creating a happy workplace and improving the quality of life for all our staff, we operate diverse-ranging welfare benefits.

Support for Employment Security
- Company dormitory
- Collective accidence insurance
- Vehicle upkeep subsidy
- Company cafeteria
- Maternity protection programs
– Maternity & childrearing leave & guaranteed return to work - Healthcare agreement
– Family discount for medical care - Fill the Future of Youth mutual aid

Livelihood support
- Subsidy to pay home loan interests
- Children’s school expenses covered
- Benefit points
- Resort facilities (condominiums)
- One-Heart One-Family sports
get-together - End-of-year party with celebrities
- Full health checkup for married couples
- Yearly vacation allowances
- Holidays, allowances, and supplies for events deserving congratulations or condolences

Labor-management partnership
- Performance-related incentives paid
in first and second half-year - Gifts marking national holidays,
birthday, and company anniversary
among others - Company clubs available and funded
- Prizes&overseas travels for excellent employees and long-term employment
- Education costs covered
– for language skills, general knowledge,
and humanities - Sports facilities available
– through agreement with iKozen and others.

Support for Workplace Innovation
- Lounges available
– Nap room, vending machine, and ATM - Improvements through active suggestions
– At-work convenience, upgraded facilities, and environmental improvement - Accessible facilities
- Working time reduced through encourage yearly leave of absence
- Reward for work through environmental improvement activities etc.
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321, 4th Industrial Road, Gumi-si, Gyeongbuk TEL 054.714.3000 FAX 054.714.3010