An irreplaceable company
- 2020 . 01AJU EGL Co., Ltd. created.(by acquiring the old Duwon Steel.)
- 2020 . 05Selected as a reshoring company.(engaged in bringing overseas plants home)
- 2020 . 07Certified as an excellent technology company T2 by TCB.
- 2020 . 08Honored with Best Award as a Best Champ excellent case.
- 2020 . 12AJU Steel Co., Ltd. – AJ Steel Co., Ltd. merger.
- 2020 . 12AJU Steel Co., Ltd. – AJU SS Co., Ltd.(Present. Steel Products for Construction Business sector) merger.
- 2021 . 06CCL #3 Gimcheon plant completed.
- 2021 . 08AJU Steel is listed on KOSPI.
- 2021 . 12Received the $100 Million Export Tower Award on Trade Day
- 2022 . 11Establishment of AJU Steel Gumi Atex Center
- 2023 . 01Completion of CCL #4 and HMP #2
- 2023 . 03Completion of AJU Mexico #3 Plant (AI Extrusion)
- 2023 . 05Completion of AJU Mexico #4 Plant (Oven Plant)
- 2023 . 09Completion of AJU Steel Gimcheon CGCL Plant
- 2024 . 05Scheduled completion of AJU Poland Color Plant
Soaring as an advanced company
- 2011 . 04Plant created in Huizhou, Guangdong Province
(2 slitters and 1 shear).
A sales representative created in San Diego, US. - 2011 . 06AJU MCM created (by acquiring the old MCM Tech.).
- 2011 . 10POSCO buys shares of AJU Steel.
- 2011 . 11MCCL (Metal Copper Clad Lamination) plant completed.
- 2012 . 06A processing plant completed in Tijuana, Mexico.
- 2012 . 12Honored with 10-Million-Dollar Export Tower.
- 2015 . 01AJU SS Co., Ltd. founded.
- 2015 . 08Honored with Gold Award in Learning Organization Project for Daegu & Gyeongbuk region.
- 2015 . 12CPL (Coil Polishing Line) #1 completed.
- 2016 . 08Honored with Participation Award in Learning Organization Project Nationwide Competition.
- 2016 . 09Certified as an excellent human resource development organization.
- 2016 . 12Honored with Gumi City Mayor’s Award marking Gyeongbuk HMD Day.
- 2017 . 06Certified as a company specialized in parts and materials.
- 2017 . 12Honored with NCS Minister of Employment & Labor’s Award.
Honored with Gyeongsangbuk-do Investment Attraction Best Award. - 2018 . 01Certified as a small but strong youth-friendly business.
- 2018 . 05AJU MCM Gumi ATEX Center completed.
- 2018 . 12CPL (Coil Polishing Line) #2 completed.
CCL (Color Coating Line) #2 completed. - 2019 . 09Honored with Work-Study Balance Best Award.
Establishing the foundation of AJU Steel’s manufacturing system
- 1995 . 10Company established.
- 2003 . 02AJU Steel #1 plant completed
(1 slitter and 1 shear). - 2004 . 06Certified ISO 9001:2001.
- 2006 . 11AJ Steel completed in Yangju, Gyeonggi-do.
POSCO-PWPC completed in Poland
(as a joint venture with POSCO). - 2007 . 09AJU Steel #2 plant completed (2 slitters).
- 2008 . 09Certified ISO 1400:2004.
- 2008 . 12CCL (Color Coating Line ) #1 completed.
- 2010 . 04AJU Steel #3 plant completed (1 shear).
- 2010 . 12Certified for KOSHA 18001.
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Unauthorized use constitutes an intellectual property violation and will be punished under copyright law.
321, 4th Industrial Road, Gumi-si, Gyeongbuk TEL 054.714.3000 FAX 054.714.3010